

Products are offloaded from the container, well arranged and labeled in our warehouses. Our computer ERP system allocate every door or item to the assigned client.

warehouse2 warehouse1

On the way to client

Superlock installation cars are ready to load and supply the items to the client site. Every team is assigned to client and responsible to complete the installation within a time frame.



The installation team is equipped with the necessary tools and materials to execute the work. The client is not to provide any other materials for the installation.


Lock handles and hanging of door

In some projects we help the construction process by installing the frames at early stage, to allow the tilers, painters or other artisans to complete their aspect. Hanging and adjustment of the door will be done after the site is ready

lock1 lock2


The installation team will leave the site clean, providing the client the necessary information about the installed items, and then handing over is done.
